Biochar is carbon removal's jack of all trades. Here's why

Addressing the climate emergency demands reduced greenhouse gas emissions and effective Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) solutions to reverse harm already done.

Only carbon removal can balance hard-to-abate emissions and get us to the required net-zero emissions scenario. One CDR technology is leading the way: Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR), an innovation with game-changing potential. From its carbon removal capabilities to the vast array of co-benefits it offers, BCR is set to become an essential part of any carbon removal portfolio.

BCR is a science-backed approach to carbon removal and its magic lies in pyrolysis: using high heat in a limited oxygen environment to transform biomass into biochar.

Through photosynthesis, biomass accumulates carbon, which via pyrolysis (heating without oxygen) becomes biochar — a highly porous, stable and durable form of carbon that can effectively store CO2 for extended periods and provide a wide range of co-benefits.


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